Why take lessons to learn snowboarding?

In 2011 Oxygène La Plagne & Val d’Isère became the only Burton affiliated Learn to Ride Snowboard School in France. Now known as The Burton Experience, our collaboration aims to help future snowboarders take their first slides in the right direction.

Learn to Ride: What is it?

We feel it is important everyone has the best start to snowboarding. Research shows 7 out of 10 people who try snowboarding for the first time, give up after 48 hours and the main reasons for this are incorrect equipment, poor teaching, and unsuitable teaching areas. Therefore we decided we’ll bring a combination of the best equipment, and the best tuition from ourselves, to make sure everyone can have the best start to snowboarding!

What is great about our Learn to Ride course is everyone starts from scratch and our patient and experienced instructor takes you through the basics, carefully selecting the right slopes and teaching techniques to enable you to gain confidence and master that perfect slid.

And what’s next?

One thing we find with all snowboarders is that once you have mastered the basic skills you tend to advance pretty quickly, however you should still continue with the coaching from professionals as otherwise you pick up bad habits and mistakes get made. Sometimes friends think they are doing the best by taking you to the top of the mountain and ‘helping’ you down, however this is why so many people decide to stop as they are put in a difficult situation and lose their confidence.

The benefits of taking snowboard lessons, no matter your level.

At Oxygène we provide lessons and guiding for everyone, from complete beginners to advanced pounder-hounds, we have instructors and guides able to make your snowboarding experience the best. By having our very own in-house equipment rental shops in La Plagne, Tignes, Serre Chevalier and Val d’Isère means we’ve been able to team up with different brands and offer the best quality snowboards, bindings and boots to all our clients.

So instead if you have had one weeks’ experience and are already able to master simple turns on easy blue runs, the next step to take is to join our ‘Intermediate/ Progression’ snowboard course. This group will take you to the next level naturally without putting you in any situation where quite literally a ‘slip-up’ could happen.

Some important tips to remember when snowboarding are to relax, have fun and enjoy the slide. When you let your body do all of this you’ll find snowboarding comes naturally quicker, and you’ll be surprised after one week with Oxygène what you’ll be able to do.

With several years of experience in teaching snowboarding, our expertise goes far beyond the basics. Trust our instructors, they’ll help you fall in love with snowboarding for life!

Come and give it a try, you’ll see the difference!